A staff member will contact you by phone before your scheduled surgery regarding:
- Time of arrival
- Medical history including medications and allergies
- Special instructions
- Insurance information
- Medicare brochure as needed
Check with your insurance carrier to see if pre-certification or a second opinion is necessary.
If you have not been contacted one day prior to surgery, please call us at (248) 538-7095 between 8:00 am and 2:30 pm
- You must arrange to have a responsible adult transport you home and stay with you for 24 hours following surgery, unless directed otherwise by your physician.
- It is important that your stomach be empty for surgery. Therefore, it’s absolutely necessary that you do not eat or drink anything (including water, candy, gum, and cigarettes) after midnight on the night before surgery unless directed by one of our staff members. It is very important for these instructions to be followed or your surgery may be delayed or cancelled.
- If you are diabetic, have hypertension, or respiratory disease, please let the nurse know.
- If you have an implantable device, such as a pacemaker, cardiac stents or a defibrillator, let the nurse know.
- If you are on blood thinners, including aspirin, or anti-inflammatory medications (such as ibuprofen), you will likely need to discontinue them. Please check with your surgeon.
- No alcohol or cigarettes 24 hours prior to surgery.
- If you develop a cold, sore throat or temperature greater than 100° F prior to surgery, please contact your primary care physician.
- Stock your refrigerator with things you may want to eat or drink following surgery.
- If you need an interpreter, please notify the nurse during your pre-operative phone call.
- We encourage you to prepare questions you may want to ask prior to the day of surgery.
- To find us click here
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Notice Of Privacy Practices
Bloomfield Hills Surgical Centers may use and disclose your protected health information in accordance with the law for certain purposes, such as treatment, payment or health care operations. With that, comes a duty to protect your privacy. Our Notice of Privacy Practices will be provided when you visit Bloomfield Hills Surgical Center. You have individual rights with this notice, including the right to complain to Bloomfield Hills Surgical Center, AAAHC, and to HHS if you believe your privacy rights have been violated. The notice includes a point of contact for further information and for making complaints to us. [Notice of Privacy Practices PDF]
When you arrive, one of the first questions we will ask you is, “Have you had anything to eat or drink since last night?” If you have, or if you have failed to follow any of your doctor’s orders, we will not be able to do your procedure and you will have to reschedule.
We will file all insurance and Medicare forms for you. For filing purposes, please bring your Medicare and/or insurance cards with you on the day of your procedure. You must provide Bloomfield Hills Surgical Center with a valid photo ID and, if this is a worker’s compensation or personal injury procedure, a worker’s compensation, personal injury or an automobile insurance claim number will be required.
The facility fee includes the cost of the operating room, supplies, equipment, medication, and recovery room care. If you have questions about this fee, please call our billing department at 586-498-9440. You will receive separate bills for your surgeon, anesthesia provider and any x-ray, lab and pathology related to your procedure(s).
Please bring the following items if you use them:
- Glasses/case (no contacts)
- Inhalers
- Hearing aid
- Insulin
Other Instructions:
- Leave jewelry and valuables at home, including all body piercings.
- Avoid wearing heavy makeup, especially eye makeup.
- You may brush your teeth the morning of surgery; do NOT swallow the water.
- Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing that you can easily change into, considering you may have bulky bandages.
- Shoes that are easy to put on and easily removed are best.
- The Surgery Center does not allow latex balloons.
PLEASE NOTE: The use of tobacco products on Bloomfield Hills Surgical Center property is strictly prohibited.
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When you arrive at Bloomfield Hills Surgical Center, the registration staff will verify your insurance information; please bring insurance cards and a driver’s license or picture identification with you. We are committed to ensuring that correct patient and correct surgery site standards are followed. Several staff members will ask you to repeat your name, birthdate, and procedure, so please be patient and remember that we are doing this to ensure your safety.
After you have been registered, you will be escorted to one of our pre-operative areas. During this time, a nurse will prepare you for surgery. An anesthesia provider will also meet with you to discuss the type of anesthesia you will have. The doctor will see you before your case in the pre-operative area. Any questions or concerns you may have can be addressed at this time.
Occasionally, surgery may be delayed due to circumstances beyond our control. Should delays occur, we will keep you informed.
After you have met with all the appropriate members of the health care team, you will be escorted back to the operating room. Your caregivers will be updated as necessary during surgery or procedure. We encourage all caregivers to remain in the visitor waiting area during procedures or surgery in case a team member needs to contact them. When the procedure is complete, the surgeon will meet with your caregiver to discuss the surgery/procedure. After surgery, you will be taken to the post-operative unit for recovery.
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Your recovery time depends on the type of surgery or procedure you have. Our nurses will explain your expected individual recovery course to you and your caregiver.
If it is determined by your physician that you need additional recovery time, you will remain in the recovery room under observation until it is safe for your discharge from the facility. If you get hungry, a small snack will be provided to you. You may have your family bring food, but remember that you have just had a medical procedure and should consult with your nurse.
Instructions for when you return home after surgery will be explained to you and the adult responsible for transporting you home.
You will receive a follow-up call 1 – 2 business days from a surgery center nurse regarding your recovery process. If you have any immediate needs or concerns, call your physician.
Please follow instructions on your discharge paperwork. This is very important!
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It is important that you know you have rights and responsibilities at our center. These can be accessed for your review by clicking on this file: (Download PDF: Patient Rights and Responsibilities.)
Our mission, goals and objectives at Bloomfield Hills Surgical Center all point to providing you with high quality patient care and safety at a reasonable cost. We take our jobs very seriously, and expect our employees to treat you fairly and with respect. If you have a complaint about the service we provide or the staff we hire, we want to know. Please address your complaints with contact information to:
Director of Quality, Compliance & Accreditation Services
ASC Administrative Offices
7091 Orchard Lake Road, Suite 230
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Email: quality
You may also complain if you feel you have been wrongly treated during a procedure or if there was an error in your treatment. The State of MI complaint form is located at:
The Office of the Medicare Ombudsman (OMO) helps people with Medicare with complaints, grievances, and information requests.
Please contact: 1 (800) MEDICARE
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard Baltimore MD 21244-1850
The public may contact AAAHC to report any concerns or register complaints about an AAAHC accredited organization by either:
Calling: 847-853- 6060,
Emailing:, or
Writing to:
Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC)
5250 Old Orchard Rd, Ste 200,
Skokie, IL 60077
Patients have a right under Michigan law to execute advance directives, such as Living Wills and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Decisions. Bloomfield Hills Surgical Center can provide you with official State advance directive forms. Additional information regarding advance directives for the State of Michigan is available at:
If you have executed an advance directive, please bring your most recent copy to Bloomfield Hills Surgical Center on the day of your procedure. As a patient of the Surgery Center you have the right to make informed decisions regarding your care. These include the right to consent, to reject, and to withdraw consent for medical procedures.
Please note: It is the policy of Bloomfield Hills Surgical Center, when an emergent situation arises, to resuscitate patients until care can be transferred to an acute care facility. If made available, a copy of your advance directive documents will accompany you upon transfer of your care. If you have any questions regarding Bloomfield Hills Surgical Center policy on advance directives, please call 248-538-7095 and ask to speak to the Director of Nursing.
As a prospective patient, we are required to inform you of any physician financial interest or ownership in the facility. Bloomfield Hills Surgical Center, LLC has physician financial interest. We welcome you as a patient and our mission is to provide high quality patient care at a reasonable cost in a safe environment.
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